Hope for 30-Something Moms

In my thirties, deep in the trenches of motherhood, I stumbled upon a blog post by Catherine Dietrich that spoke to my soul. I had 3 babies in under 4 years. I was juggling toddlers, navigating sleepless nights, and trying to keep my sanity intact. Her words gave me hope, a beacon of light in the chaotic sea of motherhood. Now, in my forties, I look back and realise how true her words were. Today, as an image consultant living my dream while raising my children, I want to share that hope with you.

In her post, Catherine captured the essence of being a 30-something mum. We are everywhere, often unseen, tirelessly chasing our little ones, wiping noses and bottoms, and sacrificing our own needs for the sake of our children. Our bodies bear the marks of motherhood, and our lives revolve around the tiny humans who depend on us for everything.

She painted a vivid picture of us at the public swimming pool, knee-deep in the kiddies’ pool, eyes glued to our children. Our conversations are fragmented, our focus unwaveringly on our little ones, and our bodies clad in tankinis, far from what they used to be. Meanwhile, the 20-somethings on the hill are oblivious to our struggles, and the 40-somethings are quietly enjoying their peace, knowing that this phase won’t last forever.

Catherine’s words resonated deeply with me. She acknowledged the sacrifices we make as mothers, the way we let our SELVES go, putting our children first. But she also offered a glimmer of hope: the promise of the 40-something decade. A decade where we get our SELVES back, where we find rest, tone, and a bit of smug satisfaction from having survived the chaos.

Now that I’m in my forties, I can attest to the truth of her words. This decade is indeed a holy grail. My children are more independent, and I’ve found time to pursue my dreams and passions. As an image consultant, I get to help others feel confident and beautiful while still being there for my children. It’s a delicate balance, but it’s achievable.

But I also want to echo Catherine’s sentiment that we shouldn’t wish away the time. The 30-something years, though exhausting, are filled with magic. The midnight cuddles, the little hands reaching for you after a fall, the bedtime stories with a small person nestled in each arm—these moments are fleeting and precious.

So, to all the 30-something moms out there, hang in there. Know that this phase, as challenging as it is, won’t last forever. Embrace the chaos, cherish the small moments, and take comfort in knowing that the 40-something decade is just around the corner. It’s a time of rediscovery, of finding your SELF again, and of enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Motherhood is a beautiful journey, and while we may lose ourselves in it for a while, what we gain in return is immeasurable. Stay hopeful, stay strong, and know that you are not alone. The best is yet to come.